Originally Posted by RRD
I've been wondering in the past few days: Most questions on here are about our DC, but how are the parents doing?

We spent the holidays surrounded by my in-laws and it drove my OEs went through the roof... I felt overstimulated in most ways - the smells, the sounds, the sights, etc. By the end of it, I was also extremely eager to get back to my routine so I could read more and resume learning Spanish(my third language) and my music lessons/practice.

And that led me to wonder how everyone on here is doing. Do any/many of you have OEs? Are you sufficiently stimulated in your current environment? Do you ever feel a bit odd? Do you share all of your thoughts with anyone?

This last question is an interesting one for me - I am particularly interested in evolution, natural selection, etc., though it is entirely unrelated to my own field (law). And asking myself that last question, I realized that I've been reading a lot of popular science books (from the likes of Jared Diamond and Bryan Sykes, etc.), and yet I never, ever talk to anyone about my thoughts on the subject. I talk to my husband about politics and history and other subjects, but he finds science quite boring.

I am far from being an intellectual or an academic, but I'm just so interested in so many subjects! Of course, that could just be my ADD showing itself. Who knows.

Anyway, there's a bit of verbal diarrhea for you. Does anyone else feel that way? Always a bit like a fish out of water?

I'm also in the law and I used to feel that way.

Thankfully I have a family with just as wide a range of interests as my own. We're compulsive learners and sharers so even when the world at large wasn't as interested, we have each other. My wife's family is the same. My father-in-law even won a lifetime achievement award for his contributions to his engineering field. To him and my Mother-in-Law (a world renowned scientist), I'm probably considered slow-witted, lol.

High school and college were probably the toughest because you're trying to find a social space and not everyone shares your range of interests. I found that law school and later were much better social experiences.