
Actually, I will add something. Her CV boasts three degrees, but none of them could be described as STEM-y. From her CV:

  • Rochelle Gutiérrez
  • PhD, Education (Curriculum and Instruction)
  • M.A., Social Sciences Dissertation title-- Beyond Tracking: How the Beliefs, Practices, and Cultures of High School Mathematics Departments Influence Student Advancement

Don't be fooled by that Human Biology degree kids! I dug into it a bit and it's NOT the same as a degree in regular biology at Stanford. The human biology department has its own genetics course, for example. Students can even take a statistic class designed for education majors!

That B.A. (instead of a B.S.) means that she opted for a "traditional liberal arts degree with a curriculum based across the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities."

This is going OT, but seriously, when ignorant types like this woman are taken seriously at major universities (she's a professor at like the University of Illinois) and when Silicon Valley types tell us that don't need to learn stuff because we can just do a web search, I swear that there's movement going to turn us into those grotesque lawnchair denizens from Wall E. Someday, we'll spend our days consuming tera-jumbo Slurpees and watching videos.

And worst of all, the people leading the movement don't even know they're doing that.

[/rant] Back to work.