This saga is taking an unexpected turn.

After 13 years (yes, years!) of misdiagnosis, my chronic illness has been diagnosed correctly and the treatment (y'know, for the right diagnosis...) is working. DS10 has been staying with grandparents while I adjust to new medication and to take him to piano lessons since I'd been unable to drive. He has been home for a couple visits and he is sensing the winds of change too. I was physically capable of supervising him. After a tantrum, he quit his old patterns of misbehavior and was cooperative.
Getting him set up for school is bogged down in technicalities. He grade skip last year (4th to 7th) was not recorded correctly by his previous school, so the middle school referred his acceleration to the elementary school. But the middle/high school is going to do the testing? Nothing has happened yet. The middle/high school is very pro-acceleration, so once he is officially promoted into that school the proces *should* be smooth.