My questions are these:
1) when did you start to see that your kid was different?
Well before 1 year. High levels of attention from birth, extreme interest in books and new environments, and very early speech were the first clues. The pediatrician commenting superlatively on some behaviour at every well-child visit also fed that view.
2) In hindsight were there things that were "normal" for you, your SO, or your families, but in reality were indications of giftedness that you merely accepted as routine?
Yes. Precocious speech, early literacy, and innate ease with numbers were run of the mill.
3) when did you for sure conclude/accept that your child was gifted?
Haven't done testing officially, so it's not a foregone conclusion.

Based on behaviours, though, I suspected I was dealing with a different flavour of child well before 1. When you look through standard baby books and the only milestones that fit are toileting, you grow suspicious.