Hi all! I was a regular poster years ago when my 15yo DYS was being identified -- I'm back with new questions!
I have DD, 4y2m. Based on her development, and a successful K skip for my untested 6yo (going into third grade), and a hellish K experience for my DYS at 5yo, we've enrolled her in kindergarten this fall (thank heavens for flexible schools!). However, we're considering a move and wanted to get scores squared away just in case we needed to make a case with any new school administration. It's earlier than I wanted, but such is life.
My DD's scores have me flummoxed:
(scores redacted for privacy)
We knew she was highly verbal, so the VCI isn't surprising. However, she is a spontaneous reader, and learned using whole words versus phonics. Even though one reads words, the act of reading itself isn't verbal, right? I feel like it's more of a visual information and working memory skill? So her precocious reading doesn't seem to jive with her only truly high VCI.
Just to be clear -- I know that enriched environments can contribute to early reading skills. I'm sure that played a part, but believe me when I say that we don't "work with" our kids -- the extent of reading instruction is *sometimes* a book at bedtime and turning on the closed captioning for her princess shows! I work full-time and it's hard enough to spend any quality time with my kids. She wasn't taught at daycare;they didn't know she could read until a month ago.
So -- What strengths on IQ testing point toward precocious reading? What were your precocious reader's tested strengths? My DYS was also a precocious reader but his scores were universally high.
Last edited by Mia; 12/05/17 09:57 AM.