Thank you for your response, Portia. The tester is the school psychologist. In her defense, she was very nice about talking to me and answering questions that I had. I asked for raw scores out of curiosity, but she said she couldn't give them to me.

And yes, my gut tells me he has some kind of anxiety issue that needs to be addressed. He scored very low on the anxiety evaluation I filled out, but I still feel that there is an issue. He noticeably avoids social interaction that is not on his terms. For example, if an adult asks him a question (even something simple, like, how are you?) He will either respond in a baby voice, make odd noises or just duck away. Other times, he'll engage in very over the top silly behavior.

And in general, I just feel that as parents, we've had too little patience for his high intensity. I worry that he has some emotional issues that may make the ODD symptoms worse.

Unfortunately, the two neuropsych places I've called are not accepting new patients. The scheduler I spoke to at the second made it sound like they wouldn't do anything more than what the school did in their evaluation. So, now I'm not sure if I should continue to look around or if I should just try to find a regular psychologist who has experience with 2e.

An additional question... the tester said that DS was all over the place while she was working with him. That he could barely sit down and stop moving, but during the times she gave him whatever material to work on, he'd settle right down and completely focus on the test. So I wanted to ask, knowing that his ADHD symptoms aren't well controlled, is it possible he could score higher when they are? The fact that he was fully focused while actually working with the material makes me think he probably did give a good effort and that the results are probably accurate. I'm just curious though.