DS will not drink anything but water, and he especially hates anything thick like dairy ( and he also doesn't like chocolate, lol) but we can get him to eat stuff he really loves while medicated at his weekend/at home dose. At school I'm lucky if he takes a few bites of granola bar, which is a favorite food. Because his ADHD is so bad it is hard to feed him when he is unmedicated too as he has a hard time staying on task and sitting. I usually end up turning on the TV for his lunch time and he eats over the course of 2 hours! I have to constantly remind him to continue eating. The more engaging the show, the less he eats :p At dinner we read to him while he eats and that usually helps a lot. Without entertainment he just runs around the room, usually screaming, knocking things down, and then stepping on them each time he makes a lap around the room. I usually insist he be outside any time it is not awful weather. I also take him for lots of walks. I try really hard not to get angry with him as I know it is not his fault.
OTOH, when medicated, DS is like a whole new kid. He is friendly and outgoing, able to control his emotions and actions. We play board games and do art projects together, we read and tell jokes, we have a great time together. I know this is the person DS is because when he can control himself it is who he chooses to be (on good days we see this side of him unmedicated as well). It's like living with 2 different people though. I'm hopeful that as DS gets older he will be able to take a third dose of meds in the evening. Or better yet, gain enough impulse control that he can function somewhat without medication. It is hard, but what can you do but fight through it and hope for the best? I think DS has definitely taken a few years off of my life, but he's also made me happier than I have ever been before. Plus he's so darn cute