DS definitely has appetite suppression, but he is still following all of his growth curves. He was small to begin with, so we do watch him closely. We give 2 doses a day of the short acting stimulant and it only lasts about 3.5 hours per dose for him, so he is only medicated 7 hours a day, which is exactly the length of a school day. We give the am dose 30 mins before school starts and it kicks in right as we are arriving. He gets his second dose at lunch. He does not eat until he gets home a bit after 3. Overall he eats the same amount as he did before, just with a long period of fasting from breakfast till after school lunch. Our hardest times each day are morning routine and bedtime routine, they are challenging times to begin with and we have to manage them unmedicated. But school success is the main goal. I love the weekends because I get to be with DS when he can control himself. Looking forward to summer break so I get those 7 hours all to myself