Quick update. I received some testing info I requested from the school. DD9 took some group ability testing to screen for giftedness when we moved to the district. I understand these are NOT comparable to individual IQ assessments.

In the summer of 2014 as an incoming 1st grader, NNAT: 148

I've asked for additional info on the NNAT but awaiting a reply from the school. No idea where that's at with percentile.

Half-way through 1st grade at 6-yrs-old, CogAT (form 7, level 8 if that matters):

Non-verbal - 142
Quantitative - 125
Verbal - 125
Total - 135

We were starting to see problems in school by the time she took the CogAT: unwillingness to try challenges and a belief she couldn't read chapter books anymore. Her 1st grade teacher told her to stop reading chapter books so she could just be a kid, and DD9 took that to heart greatly. It took me many MONTHS and a multitude of library trips later to get DD9 to read chapter books again.

Anyway, not sure if anybody has experience with these tests?

And since I'm considering further evaluation, do these scores warrant additional testing in light of our struggles?