We ended up testing but not because we thought our kids were gifted (12y twin girls). The school was complaining about inattention, blurting out answers, rushing through worksheets. etc. especially with one of our daughters. They were our only kids so we never picked up on signs our kids might be gifted. My husband is profoundly gifted and that should have a clue but I just assumed every kid could read chapter books by 3. (Apparently I should have read some parenting books

). We ended up testing to determine if our daughter had adhd and to appease the school. We ended up with a completely different dx. It was amazingly helpful because we learned that both of them were PG but they had dyslexia. Again, I didn't realize that you could have dyslexia but still read ok. Anyway, the testing was very helpful. I would suggest that if you believe that there could be any issues like adhd, dyslexia, etc. that you make sure you find a neuropsych or assessor who is familiar with gifted kids with learning challanges (2e). Best wishes!