I understood that the court wanted the child to be on neutral turf... away from both Grandmother Evelyn and Uncle Frank, and their dispute which was growing ever more bitter... hence the bad compromise... but then sneaky Evelyn moved right in at the foster home and brought private tutors! How neutral was that?!!

It wasn't, and probably violated the terms of the court agreement... which eventually made it easier for Frank to re-negotiate a more appropriate solution for Mary's placement and educational opportunities.
Keeping in mind that Mary loved her cat and wanted to keep him with her...
good thing Evelyn was so allergic to cats that the foster family decided to give monocular Fred to the humane society; What Evelyn undoubtedly saw as a "win" turned out to be her downfall...
good thing Bonnie noticed a monocular cat up for adoption and contacted Frank...
good thing Frank checked it out without hesitating...
good thing Frank asked the humane society to explain the circumstances under which the cat was given up (to help verify if it was indeed Fred)...
good thing that when Frank learned the cat was given up due to
allergies he correctly figured Evelyn might have been at the foster home, where her allergies were triggered by Fred...
Frank practically wore a superhero cape in the scene that followed... and so did friend/neighbor/landlady Roberta!