...backdrop for the conversation in which Mary asked Frank lots of deep questions, extensional questions, faith questions... ? I thought this depicted the curiosity of the young gifted mind very well.

The movie was filled easy-going conversations, even banter between Frank and Mary, with Mary constantly questioning, negotiating, observing, and remarking on topics which may not catch the attention of most kids.
Thinking of debate (smooth segue here, LOL, not)...
I did not much care for Evelyn's attorney, although on the positive side I will say his voice and cadence remind me a bit Dr. James Webb (founder of SENG, founder/President of Great Potential Press.)
I really liked Frank's attorney... until he thought the compromise was the best that could be done under the circumstances. We know how that worked out.... it didn't... all I can say is good thing Evelyn was allergic to cats... this is how she was found out...