Thanks, indigo. And there are so many more I want to recommend! I'm just amazed how many terrific kids' books are relatively unknown. I look at friends' kids' bookshelves and see such boring, bland books and think it's no wonder they don't enjoy reading. I'm really inspired to do something about it.
And I'm starting to think that I'm equipped to do it. Yesterday, a colleague at the office asked if I could recommend any picture books that would help her teach lowercase letters to her daughter without putting her to sleep. I was so happy to be able to recommend the perfect book (The Sleepy Little Alphabet)!
If I continue and think it could be helpful to people here, I might actually just contact the admin for the forum to ask for permission to post about my book blog posts. I want to get the recommendations out there, and am not exactly sure how to do it. Other suggestions are welcome!