If you have seen the movie "gifted" and want to discuss specific scenes, this discussion thread is for you!
Great suggestion, LAF.
If you have NOT seen the movie, rather than reading this thread, you might want to watch the trailer in the discussion thread here:
Movie Trailer - "gifted - coming in Spring 2017.
Is everyone familiar with the spoiler function located in the tool bar just above the editing window on these discussion forums?
You can use this function if you want to provide a spoiler alert within your post to help keep other members from accidentally reading something. Select your text and click the button having an
"S" with a diagonal slash through it.
It will look like this in your edit window:
[ s p o i l e r ] t e x t [ / s p o i l e r ]
(note: one extra space added between each character in this sample) It will look like this in your post:
Was Evelyn trying to live vicariously through Diane? ... And through Mary?