Our DD did the academic explorations (baby CTY) for a couple of years at 10 and then 11. It was a great experience for her - she grew up a lot with the 3 week break from home the first year. Skipping a grade made her the youngest the first year so she found it difficult to maintain lasting connections the first year. Last year was much better and she is in regular touch with friends made there.

One friendship in particular with a girl who probably has a higher LOG than our DD a relationship that she absolutely treasures - there is no judgement. There is just unfiltered total acceptance of one another. As a parent watching the two of them together is pure joy.

DD will be rooming with her new friend this summer for the Intensive studies now they are both old enough.

It is pricey but it has been worth every penny so far.

Last edited by madeinuk; 03/10/17 12:12 PM.

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