Yes, LMom, let's share resources on the Big Bang! I'd love to work together on that!
I have some things reserved at the library, but I'm waiting for the rest of my books to come in, so I haven't looked at anything yet. Our library system has quite a bit, happily, so it will be more a case of picking what looks best rather than taking what's available. Yay!
I'll let you know what I like.
Also, your great and interesting lists (!!!) reminded me of some things we do that I forgot to mention:
> DS7 writes at least 3 lines in his notebook every day, usually of his choosing, and we'll start on cursive sometime this year;
> We'll do a few minutes of typing daily (I hope) with the "Dance Mat" online program;
> We have the Rosetta Stone Spanish program I hope to try with him...if I can remember where I stashed it...

> DS7 wants to learn the state capitals and rivers of the world for geography this year. (He chose to memorize all 50 states by shape last year using state flash cards--VS, maybe? Whaddya think? LOL!)
That rounds out our plans.