First, take a deep breath. Second, your daughter has very good scores but a few words of caution
1. It is not unusual to have really high WPSSI scores for bright children and it is possible they will level out ( it is also possible that they won't). Think of it this way your DD was compared to a random sample of five year olds and had much better language and spatial skills than other five year olds. However, it is harder to be a significantly better at certain skills when 12. My point, there is some leveling out.
2. IQ is only one measure. Executive function is as important (if not more important) in school and life success and you have no scores for that.

Do the same things that you have been doing. Travel, museums, good books and lots and lots of imaginative play. Your daughter will be fine. Enjoy her! It is so easy to focus on a child's giftedness and forget that it is just a small part of them. We have all had that what now moment when getting our children's scores. It will all be fine😊!