Bluemagic, His grades were actually not bad, and he got an A on the English final which was mostly essay. From the kid who won't turn in an essay otherwise. He ended up with As, and Cs in the two classes that require some writing: Bio and English (the English is a Philosphy course, and his 1st quarter and final exam scores countered the 2nd quarter F).

For next year, he has an acceptance and a wait list, and the others require an audition so our February is a month of travel. Yes, you read that right: the kid with anxiety has to audition, and will, and has been preparing. He actually wants to double-major in music and either math or computer science. His doctor offered an additional prescription for the performance anxiety; I may go ahead and get it filled just to have on hand. I may need some, myself JK: I'm having to really control my frustration as he rushes to fill out audition forms at the last possible moment, and it's wearing on me.