I have requested evals by email. At the current district I asked earlier in the year and was told there was no need and I didn't really pursue past that. I emailed again about 2 weeks ago and answered some questions they had and then was told that I would be contacted by a person whose contact info I was not given and I have been waiting a week now and so far nothing.

At the old district we had an IEP and I was familiar with how to get IEP meetings set up and the timeline for them, but as far as getting evaluations and testing done I have never been very successful. I'm certainly not sure where I'm at as far as the law goes and even less certain because we are using a private school. I'm also less certain because DS is technically not behind in any of the areas of concern.

We are currently in the process of selling our second car to pay for some stuff we need to do to our new house, so we may have enough money for a neurotic, er neuropsych depending on cost. How much do they typically cost?