Another thing to consider is that he is just very asynchronous? Some gifted kids are like this. They learn some things very very fast & easy and others closer to normal for grade level. Particularly on the social & emotional. They might not find older chapter books particularly interesting.

As for the reading. My DS17 learned to read very early, he taught himself around 3. But very much resisted reading longer chapter books till 3rd grade. He spend a lot of time in 1st & 2nd reading non-fiction, books about animals. Books about science, there are tons of age appropriate books that don't need to be read front to back.

He reads fiction now for fun. (When he has time, he is a H.S. senior who like most is super super busy.) He did eventually start reading and enjoying fiction just not at your son's age.

But do trust your gut, if you really feel this is an LD you might need to find a private neurotic who knows how to evaluate gifted kids. (I know that isn't easy.) And then to bring that evaluation to the school. I know that can be hard if you can't afford it.

Turns out both my kids have language processing issues of different types. My older D (not gifted) struggled just to learn to read. She could parse words, but had a very hard time to understand. What I found was she would just skip over the little words & completely lose the meaning.

My S17 eventually was diagnosed with low processing & low working memory issues, and anxiety. These often go together. This might very well be what's going on with your son. It's certainly something to look into.

P.S. You also talk about all those medications for ADHD your son is on. Have a good talk with the prescribing psychiatrist because it could be a side effect of the med. And if your son is only being treated by a regular MD, you need to find him a specialist.

Last edited by bluemagic; 01/13/17 11:39 PM.