I can't believe how many quack-like therapies and treatments are out there. Someone was pushing cranial-sacral therapy on me because my kid has a chiari malformation and probably brainstem and/or cerebellum compression. That would probably actually be dangerous for him! I'm sorry but I can't help laughing at the pregnancy/baby photos. My god, if he was in psychotherapy because there was some sort of child abuse concern, or adoption related concern, or something of the like, maybe baby photos might be part of it, but otherwise, you have to be kidding me. Did you pay up front for all of these treatments or can you get out of it?

I am wondering if my daughter has auditory processing disorder and got a card for an audiologist that does testing with our regular health clinic. They did come right out and say that if that's the diagnosis, not much can be done about it. The main point (from my perspective) is that then we would know her issues are not just related to ADHD and it might affect treatment decisions down the line.