I think a first step - and forgive me if I missed this mentioned - is find a local private psychologist who deals a fair amount with gifted children. Talk to the psychologist about outcomes. Because I think the "bang for your buck" isn't in getting the right test but beginning the process of understanding what your child's level of giftedness will mean to your family. and what options you have for education, enrichment, and emotional support in your area. Seriously, I've only read ruff but I'm going out on a limb but a real reader at 2 makes me think you may need someone holding your hand when you get the news... even though you are aware I think the numbers may surprise even you.

If you "think" there is any "emotional" problems coming from his gt your insurance may cover testing. But not often or always.

I jumped off for a minute with a panic of my own (my 4 year old is at kindergarten orientation today and her dad called and sounded hushed - just wanted to know if i want to volunteer at a party - geez man i thought we went rogue the first 30 minutes).