Originally Posted by incogneato
He seems very socially aware, and that comment troubles me. I don't think it's indicative of any pressing distress, per se, but maybe he already knows something is up and is attempting to make sense of it. Better advice than what test to take, is to make sure you have him evaluated by a specialist that has experience with HG/PG kids. You should tell that person everything you just posted about your son here.

Its hardly bad at all!!

Shellymos, given that insight, your son is not a kid from an intellectual perspective. He is a young adult - already trying to intuit others' behavior based upon his own introspection - and trying to think about his social place - while making allowances for both sides. That's a very sophisticated social activity.

He sounds like a warm, well-rounded, and wonderful person and you and your husband are the great understanding parents he is fortunate to have.