Thank you everyone! My head is spinning but I'm sure much of this will make sense to DD and will certainly help frame the conversation with the AT specialist. She and DD's special Ed teacher will both be visiting the TAG class next week to get a better handle on what the real life needs will be. Then a team meeting and IEP meeting will follow so hopefully we can implement some if this. She already uses Notability so maybe we have to look at expanding its use.

When the TAG class spent the day doing research at the library DH tagged along. He read aloud from the books and DD typed up notes in CoWriter. Far from ideal but at least she got to participate and got some of her research done. The next TAG day they will again work on research for their year long projects but she has a few articles loaded on her iPad to work with as well as books from the library. It's all a work in progress - right?

TAG teacher made the point that typing her notes now will save time later when they have projects requiring the students to package them in other formats. I said going into the TAG scenario that the 2 main purposes are to allow her time away from the spec Ed environment to be with gifted peers and to see where the holes are in her AT program and what she needs to operate fully independently. I guess we are indeed getting that!

Thanks again. Happy to continue getting any feedback.