Originally Posted by knute974
DD said that the teacher made a "snotty comment" (DD's words) to the class that they should be able to figure out how to spell the words in Spanish based solely on hearing the teacher say the word. This statement triggered all kinds of anxiety for DD. Any suggestions re how to bring this up politely in DD's 504 and possible accommodations?

I understand how this comment would cause anxiety for a student with dyslexia, but I suspect it wasn't intended to be a "snotty comment". Spanish is very different from English in that in Spanish you pronounce words based entirely on how they are spelled, there aren't all sorts of odd variations on pronunciation like there are in English. So what the teacher said was true - for students who don't have a language-based disability.

I wouldn't refer back to the comment at all in the 504 meeting. Instead I'd have your dd list the things that she's found difficult so far in Spanish and think through what might work in terms of accommodations. My ds isn't dyslexic but has dysgraphia - his accommodations are going to be slightly different of course, but fwiw he's found that he uses his extended time accommodation frequently on in-class assignments and on homework. If you haven't tried already, I'd google "typical accommodations for dyslexia in foreign language classes" or something like that smile

Best wishes,
