Hi again KAT,

I have 4 boys, ages 5, 8, 10 and 12--all HG/PG. The creative writing one I mentioned is 10. The avid reader/economic theorist is 12. The math one is 8. We don't know what's in store for us yet with the 5 yr old. Yes, it's comforting to find that there are others other there (here) that are experiencing some of the same things I face.

One last bit of advice...go to the HG program willing to help/volunteer. Our program's teachers appreciate parents so much. I used to volunteer to do science experiments with the class, and before that art projects. One mom continues to volunteer to teach Spanish to the class. We help advocate with the administration for sufficient classroom space and money, chaperone field trips, even plan field trips and speakers. Now we're trying to help them select science curriculum technology. In return, the teachers work hard for each kid. It's important to keep it positive.