For us there was a perfect confluence of events -- 2nd grade at Tiny Private School wasn't working, I was on sabbatical, and there were no other schools I would consider (I'd already shopped them all before choosing TPS). So I just held my breath and jumped in. Or out, I suppose. I was on the hook for November tuition, but after finishing the last week of October (halloween party, you know), we just . . . stopped. Told the school she wasn't coming back, woke up on Monday morning, and . . . weren't . . . in . . . school. It was a most peculiar feeling.
After we made the jump there was a lot of hyperventilating and "what have I done?!?" Not because I thought I'd made the wrong decision, but because it felt so much like being in free-fall after jumping off a cliff.
Now of course I'm trapped.

Homeschooling is so perfect for this kid, I could never send her back. Just like I would make extraordinary sacrifices for a kid with special medical needs, for example, I have to do whatever it takes (including trashing my career, I'm afraid), to give this kid what she needs, both emotionally and educationally.