Originally Posted by kickball
I would send him back. To do otherwise says - if you don't like something you just don't show up.

Well, assuming the child doesn't overreact and act like this every time a situation isn't 100% perfect, I don't agree, kickball. The child LOCKED HIS MOM OUT OF THE CAR to avoid going to school! This does not seem to me to be a little thing!

Far from saying that the rules (???) don't apply, I think that pulling a miserable child out of school says, "I understand that you're really, severely unhappy and ill-placed, and I am on your side. You can count on me to safeguard your interests." That's important for a child to hear from a parent. If he were 12 and chose the program himself, then I can see making him tough it out. But the kid is 4!

A week is a huge amount of time for a miserable 4yo. And it doesn't sound like this school is even trying to help. They don't get him, and they don't sound like they intend to. What light is there at the end of that particular tunnel? I'm not seeing it.

I'm not saying that every mom should pull every child out of school at the first sign of trouble. But I firmly believe that if your mom-gut says "pull him" or "accelerate him" or "change programs," and *you're* not the sort to overreact any more than your child is, then I think that's what you do. Moms are usually right.

Pre-K is not a requirement, so if you don't think the situation is going to improve, if you don't think this is just part of the normal adjustment to being away from home, if you think he shouldn't be there anymore, then I think it's perfectly reasonable to pull him out, accelerate him or switch programs.

Last edited by Kriston; 08/17/08 03:57 PM. Reason: Added the 12yo sentence, because I do think there are times when "toughing it out" is certainly called for. Just not in this case.
