guess I am confused about what is seen as the benefit of withholding scores from a person. It seems like keeping them secret somehow creates the sense that they are to be ashamed of.

I think the common reasoning is that a high number may place undue pressure/expectation on the child. A lower score may undermine what the child is ulimately capable of.

I know if I would have told DD6 at not yet 5, she would have gone around telling everyone!

The age of 10 seems more reasonable. The girls know they are "very intelligent" and know they are far ahead of GE. They are also aware that they learn faster than most and it's all presented to them in a way that it's totally normal for them to be that way.

I could see talking LOG with them at a later date, if the need arises. Not sure I would tell them their actual number unless I had a compelling reason.