Originally Posted by Dubsyd
Thanks for all the responses. Sounds like I am definitely not alone. I am not sure how much benefit I will find from seeking help now, but I do think life would have been a lot smoother if I had both giftedness and other exceptionalities recognised and supported when I was young. I am hoping it is not to late to get some benefit now.

The question of the benefit of diagnosis is a good one. I definitely think it will end up being positive for DS in the long run. Although we have been in the middle of a storm of DS's angry outbursts for the last while, and it is hard to remember that their is a long run.

Sorry, not much of a response to all of your great posts, but I am a bit beaten down by it all at the moment.

Hang in there, Dubsyd. I think many of us on here benefit from the group support. It can really be tough to deal with all of it, especially if both parent and child have several overexcitabilities... DS6 and I are quite a pair together - emotions are more intense and the reactions are more intense. I work really hard to be a good role model for him, but he exhausts me. But then, on a different day, the magic shines through and I am in awe of him. It is such a rollercoaster! crazy