Originally Posted by AAC
Those are some great suggestions, I def have to remind myself that she isn't even two yet. Because so much of her development is asynchronous, I forget that when she is advanced on one area, she is still learning the corresponding skills in other areas.

All in all I just wonder at her.

Definitely following this thread. I, too, have to silently enjoy my little boy (22 months) as he's just SO different from kids his own age. While he has never read to us, he did bring me a book tonight that I forgot we even had and said the title fairly clearly; "Go Dog, Go". He's never said any book titles before, much less one he'd not yet been read, so I was shocked. He's like that though, quiet and unassuming, then he does something that just makes your jaw drop. He's not in day care or anything, but we go to a play co-op where the owners tend to field a lot of questions about how old he is - very few approach me directly about it. My own Pediatrician wouldn't even believe me when I started asking about how to potty train (he's shown a lot of very clear signs)or when I raised concerns about some autistic tendencies and OCD-like behaviors. She brushed it off saying "he's clearly not Autistic, he looks you in the eye, smiles at you, and is social". Never mind that I had *just* explained to her that he doesn't respond to his name (never has), hits his head when frustrated (always has), and does NOT like things to be out of place, he also seems to daydream a lot and spaces out (no seizures, we had that checked out). Oh, and regarding the Tiger Parenting...that pedi had the audacity to assume that since DS liked sharing colors, numbers, and letters to her at about 15 months old, I was hot-boxing him, then proceeded to advise me to "let him be a kid".

In short, so many things resonate with me too; the isolation, the assumptions, the worries, and the amazement with which I look at my child.