Hi! My daughter will be two in may, and I find that most of the developmental literature seems to be remarkably unhelpful to me in understanding where she is at developmentally. I tried searching for some of the things she is doing, which brought me to davidson.

She was an early talker, her first word, "kitty" was at 7 months, and now she can speak in full sentences, which are grammatically correct. correct use of tense, etc. She counts, knows her abcs, and has picked up some sight words and can read some basic books... though I believe those to be from memory.

In terms of gross motor skills, she seems ahead, but not so much so that I was surprised... slightly above average.

She seems to have a really high emotional intelligence... emotional control. I find her very aware of when she chooses not to follow instructions, etc. and she has never had a tantrum that I can't reason her out of.

She is too early to be tested, I think... given that I will likely just be reading a lot to her and helping her develop her interests, and supporting them...I struggle with wondering if my expectations of her are too high, given what I think she can comprehend, and wondering if I am being fair to her. I don't want to think she is able to comprehend something she can't, and it seems so far out of what is considered "developmentally normal"

I am at a loss. Do you have any suggestions on how to identify her strengths and weaknesses at this age? and how to help with specific needs? even a resource so that I can help develop some skills in parenting her?

Thanks so much~