Thank you so much for this advice.

Right now, she does function well with other kids, I think. At least her daycare seems to think she does well. They have remarked to me that she is "REALLY smart", they tell me that all the time. But she also seems to be able to run around with the other kids just fine too, and has a few friends.

It does seem like she can't relate to their more verbal interactions though. Which is fine now, because they are all under two, and have very few conversations. I can see this becoming more of a problem later. She seems very confused by them, and if I am still in the room, she will defer and converse with me before I leave.

I will protect her, and I appreciate the reminder to do so. It seems I already feel that heat; I can't talk about her "accomplishments" because people just don't believe me. Or roll their eyes at me, because I am being insufferable. I'm just proud of her, she makes me light up!

I will privately enjoy my wonderful little girl smile thank you, again.