I'm very sorry to hear this. IMO, any student w/a GAI of 130 should be entitled to special education services for high-IQ students. Our district has a 133 GAI cut-off, but that's probably because there would be significantly more students in the "gifted" program if the the GAI cut-off was 130.

Is there any chance your DS may have an un-diagnosed LD? Could you have him privately re-tested now, using the WISC-V (assume he took the WISC-IV 2 years ago)? Perhaps more current scores would be helpful in advocating.

Others will come along who offer better advice, but I personally would request all test results from the school (request in writing, results given in writing) and also request a meeting w/DS's teacher & GT teacher to review what the GT requirements are, exactly, and why your DS is not being admitted.

Are you in a position to change schools or school districts?

These are random thoughts and I hope other posters are more helpful. Hang in there!