while he is definitely does not exhibit the same ADHD symptoms as his siblings, just going off the ADD checklist from the CDC, it just doesn't seem to fit. The APD would explain his difficulty with processing directions, but his "story recall" score was 96th percentile, so that seems to not fit either.

I would chuck the Terra Nova out the window, but that is how his district determines gifted eligibility, so now we have to come up with an explanation on why they should set it aside and consider him for the program anyway.

I'm less concerned with his admission into the gifted program than figuring out why he is having difficulty on the standardized tests, which he will have to take from now until college. I believe the TN was on paper in a small group setting. The person who gave the test was not the person who wrote the report, so I don't have any info on how he behaved during the testing.