Thanks guys for the opinions - I know how hard it already is to have a gifted child and the last thing i want to do is pass judgement at all...I just couldn't figure out why i was so bothered...she also informed the group that she has her daughter involved in these activities at home "she does ballet, gymnastics, yoga, belly dancing, basketball, tennis, hip hop dance, painting, drawing, singing,....". She has tried to buy everything she can to help enrich her daughter at home but we (on the parent board) are trying to let her know that there are hundreds of activities/things she can make/do with her daughter to help stimulate/enrich her without having to spend a fortune. There are so many possibilities - she has also stated she has contacted over 50 professionals, psychologists, look for help in testing, getting her daughter enrichment and she said not a single person/place was able to offer any help...which I find really difficult to believe? I will just pass on the Hoagie's info and hope that she is able to help her daughter. Thanks