Thanks all! I think funimation and netflix are limited to newer things, as far as we've delved.
Howler -- yes, I have seen some definite b.s. in regards to treatment of women, and portrayals. luckily ds is so far extremely eager to share whatever he's watching and so far I've enjoyed most of it enormously. His fav's (and mine) recently are: Ping Pong the animation (absolutely fabulous series) and Tokyo Godfathers - that is a bit older, and does have some portrayals of what some might call slightly 'deviant' behavior...( but I found it nicely inclusive).
I will keep being there to support or explain what he is checking out, thanks for the warning.
I like the idea of getting dvds from Japanese acquaintances, though not super convenient...
and Ashley, checking ebay and around japantown ...but we don't really have a japantown. I might try chinatown, see if some vendor/shop is selling japanese items as well. and investigate some of the less centralized japanese groceries and other shops. they are just sort of sprinkled throughout our area.
I will let him know about the ghibli software, that sounds great.