I posted about middle school troubles awhile back. I was hopeful as the AIG teacher was going to do a series of luncheons with DD10, and DD, I thought, had recently mentioned the word "friend". So wrong of me to get excited. The AIG teacher has not done as promised and even has not replied to an email. Then, yesterday, DD lost a science worksheet and completely melted down. Ultimately, the meltdown was not about science at all, but about mean girls at school. She just sobbed and sobbed. I hugged and hugged. So, several things:

- She shared that she didn't have anyone to call to get hold of another worksheet as she didn't have any friends.

-Kids are making fun of her about the books she brings to school. She is currently reading a graphic novel about Steve Jobs (multiple readings) plus a Basher Science book about physics (again, reads over and over). She claims the kids say snottily "That's an interesting book your are reading." She claims she will not bring books to school anymore. I found out there have been numerous instances of this book bashing.

-She is with one "nice girl" and one "mean" one for a science project. She stated she was surprised to learn the mean one did not know how to use a ruler so DD tried to help. The kids around her, she says, ganged up on her and told her to quit being mean. They would help the ruler girl. Now, DD is absolutely baffled when people don't understand what she takes to be so easy. She can have a bit of an "attitude" so I can see where this girl may have felt defensive when she told DD she was going to slap her. DD felt absolutely helpless and scared. She thinks the girl may hurt her later.

I just feel like a dog dropping her off at school - like I am sending her into a den of lions. Yet, I know that all is not bad because she can list some nice students. DD has heard that high school can be better, but as she sobbed "That's 3 years from now!!!!" I swear that there ought to be support groups for middle school parents.