Originally Posted by NotherBen
Bluemagic, in high school, as I recall some other interventions have been at play in high school. Can you elaborate? Did you proceed with CBT or medication? We continue to use and explore interventions. Unfortunately, I did not spot the issues in middle school, and chalked them up to immaturity (because, well, pre-teen). But others have emerged, or maybe they are just the same issues expanded/increased.
We didn't go with medication. I was going to last spring but never got the appointment with the psychiatrist and things are much better. So I've decided against it.

DS has a 504, gets extra time on tests if he needs them & SAT/College Board. Extra accommodations for writing assignments which is the class he gets the worst grades & he gets the most accommodations. It's frustrating he CAN write well & reads well above grade level but he gets mental blocks and honestly just doesn't get literary analysis. (Never been good at bullshitting.) More & more as the year has gone by he wants me OFF his back. Although since his English grade is still sort-of iffy, I reserve the right to nag him. One thing is we backed way off and he isn't taking the crazy way to busy load. Only two AP classes this year. Some would say that's still hard but for a 2E kid like him, he would be bored without them.

And he is a busy young man & he manages to get himself to school on time, keep up with most of his school work. (Except English) He will have had his drivers license a whole year this Sat. I'd like to see him go out with friends & be more social when it's not part of a club or school activity.

And what thrills me is that he is polite these days. Offers to help me with things, and frequently thanks me. Not sure what promoted all this. But it's lovely and a sure improvement on the grumbly, whinny kid he was in junior high.

Last edited by bluemagic; 03/09/16 12:46 AM.