Just chiming in to +1 LAF's point about highly gifted kids not necessarily matching the popular image of "genius."

My DS (now 8) sounds very much like yours, verbally. Many an adult has been backed into a corner by his nimble thinking and quick arguments. Beware the loophole with this kid!

Like you - I thought he might be gifted but not highly or profoundly gifted. He asks/says those interesting things ("Time is the most powerful thing of all because if time didn't exist, nothing would exist."). He loves to learn new things, and he does learn them quickly. E.g., once he DID learn to read, he went from K level to reading just about anything in a matter of weeks.

But he didn't read early, didn't/doesn't do accelerated math, etc. He doesn't demand extra academic work, isn't a musical prodigy, hasn't built anything breathtaking or written intricate stories or any of the amazing things you see kids on these boards doing. Nothing. At. All. Just those flashes of something I can't quite describe.

Nevertheless ... suffice to say, I needed a new hat.

Enjoy your little guy. He sounds like a treat!

P.S. Another follow-up to LAF's point, we had him assessed because of towering behavioral and emotional challenges the poor guy was struggling with.