Originally Posted by indigo
LOL, one need not be autodidactic to be gifted... curiosity and a drive to learn may be better hallmarks of giftedness than being self-taught. You're certainly curious and this is a safe place to ask questions.

How to Quote:

When signed in to the forum and reading the post of another, there are a number of clickable options displayed in blue text in the lower right corner below the post (Reply, Quote, Quick Reply, Quick Quote, Notify, Email Post).

Select and click "Quote".

This will quote the entire post you have been reading, and place it in an editable text box window, which is the beginning of your reply. Edit at will, removing the text you did not wish to quote. Note that the quote begins with square brackets and the username of the person who wrote the text... and ends with square brackets.

Once you get used to the square brackets, you can edit matched sets of square brackets into your replies as you see fit.

Thanks! smile

Curiosity and desire to learn are certainly qualities that DS6 and I possess. And speaking of curiosity, I'm very curious to see what his results will be. wink