I hear him about the Physics without Calculus, but he needs to take Physics, especially if he is going into Engineering. Taking college Physics without any prior experience, and with a bunch of kids that have taken at least one Physics class, if not more...it will be rough. My HS senior took Physics 1 last year and Physics C this year (Mech and E&M). While she is not going into Engineering, he will be in college Physics with kids like her (and that will be a disadvantage). Also, our public HS requires all students to take Biology, Chemistry and Physics - all with lab - to graduate. Does your HS have any such requirement?

As for my kiddies, middle kid is a HS senior, so just awaiting the college decisions. Did well first semester, just enjoying things second semester. Is occupied with classes, her spring sport, her job and looking for a prom dress. Youngest, who is in 6th grade, is doing fine. Grades are good and in a variety of activities. Just participated in her first color guard competition - we should have videoed to show to her prom date six years from now.