Looking for information from people who have experience with dyslexia in gifted children. My son is 9 years old. He's a very active, outgoing, easy going, sports oriented child. He does well in school (A's) and really excels in math. We recently had a full ED psych eval
Completed due to some concerns about inattention/distractability (ADHD). We have been through all of this before with my 12 year old daughter. We weren't surprised when the testing revealed likely ADHD and a high IQ, we were surprised that the psychologist saw signs consistent with dyslexia. My son doesn't love to read, but he has never had a problem reading and reads very well. She was concerned because while his math scores and cognitive abilities are high, his reading Scores (while
Still in the average range) are approximately 2 standard deviations below where "they should be".
Of course I understand that any issues he has will become harder for him to manage or compensate for as he gets older, and perhaps I just don't know enough about dyslexia, but I find it hard to swallow that I need to go into action mode and start very expensive therapy and tutoring for a child in the highest reading group in his class. I'm just not sure what my plan of action should be...any advice? Thank you!