ITA with portia and aeh, and particularly this:

Originally Posted by aeh
As to what kind of eval: Since your questions are really more 2e in nature than straight gifted or straight LD, I think you might be looking more for a neuropsych than a basic psychoed eval, which -could- include everything you need, but might not.

and very much specially this:

Originally Posted by aeh
More important than the name of the eval you are requesting is describing your concerns, and what you want to gain out of the eval.

You'll receive IQ scores from a neuropsych eval, so it will answer questions re giftedness and cognitive strengths and weaknesses, so you'll have that info. More importantly, it will help you understand what's at the root of the sensory/etc behaviors that are challenging for your ds.

Neuropsych evals are expensive, *but* they are sometimes partially covered by medical insurance. My recommendation is to start with your pediatrician, outline your concerns, and ask for a referral for a neuropsych eval. Check your insurance to see if it's possibly covered.

I don't have any experience with providers in your area - the link you've provided looks like a place that has a lot of potential upside - especially if they are used to working with your school district re making recommendations etc. However - before choosing a neuropsych I'd first determine if there is a neuropsych covered by your insurance, second, get your ped's advice re where to go and third, try to network with other parents to find out what personal experiences have been with psychs in your area.

I'd also consider - almost everything (but not all) covered by a neuropsych eval can be evaluated by the school district. In our situation, we preferred the neuropsych (private) because it included an extensive parent interview to review our child's developmental history (which was important to his diagnosis). Private neuropsych evals also look more from the perspective of how a disability (if one is found) impacts a child life (including future) rather than just focusing on current academic impact. A private neuropsych can also make recommendations for local private providers if needed for OT/SLP/etc. Those are the "pros" of going private.. on the flip side, the evaluation through school does not cost $ for you as a parent, and if your school district is known to be good at evals, may be worth considering.

Best wishes,
