Our DS was having a lot of issues in school back in grade 1 so we had him tested. The psychologist started with a WISC and then did other testing based on our concerns at the time and what she was seeing through the testing. We came out of it with a 15 page report with all of the test results and recommendations for IEP accommodations and modifications. He was 6.5 so they couldn't formally diagnose his LD at that time but it was enough to get us the same accommodations regardless. It also helped me to have numbers to back up my gut feeling of "he's smart". To be honest we were kind of underestimating him and the scores helped to see the bigger picture.

A couple years later we tested again to confirm the LD. Again she started with the WISC and then did more testing from there. We then got a 14 page report with all of the details.

We have also tested our DD but since we didn't suspect a second E we just asked for the WISC. Her report wasn't as long but it also had a lot of recommendations for the school and was very useful for advocating. It was also a huge wakeup call for us since she isn't as in your face gifted as DS is but has scores that aren't that much different.