Thanks for answering. My goals are to see my child having to struggle with something and I know that sounds bad. He doesn't have to work at anything in school. We are very fortunate in life and he has virtually no adversity he has to work through to overcome. I worry he's not learning to work at learning in school and the effect that will have later when things do get challenging at school and in life. I worry he's becoming accustomed to things being easy and won't be able to adapt when he does face difficulties in the future. Our school has very little to offer for a gifted program and pretty much told me to buzz off until 3rd grade not in those words of course. That was unacceptable to me so we started doing skill appropriate work at home. I know of a few student that they allow to take math classes in higher grades. I'm not to concerned about the reading. He's reached a point where if he advances any more I have concerns about subject matter. My child is very happy other than he has a hard time with friends. Nothing major, just typical how do I fit in stuff.This year he has a great teacher who tries to give him some challenge and seems to agree with me that he needs more. I have emailed her to start the process for next year. If she's with me I know the school will pay more attention. I've been torn about getting him tested on our own but if that's what it takes to get the school to work with me I will get it done this summer. I think my child is gifted at learning easily but im not so sure about him being gifted. His father was considered gifted and there are a few others on his dad's side. I am not gifted to be totally honest I'm not all that smart. I felt it was important and my job to have my child reading, writing, and doing simple math before kindergarten. I never expected my son to advance so quickly, I just wanted to give him the basics. I guess I'm just looking for more tools or info on how to get what I want. Which is to have a say in my sons education. I'm willing to work with the school. I just don't feel like they've been willing to work with me. I intend to change that.