Agreed, enrichment has limits. Yes, my kids have a fairly enriched environment but what they do with it is hugely influenced by their personalities and abilities.

This is not a rigorous study but I've taken other kids to the museum along with my kids with highly variable results as one example. Most kids don't want to read all of the information or ask a million questions about every single thing they see while they are there. Heck even my DD isn't as intense as DS when it comes to this stuff and she's pretty far on the right end of the bell curve as well.

Go with your gut, I really underestimated both of my kids for a long time partly because there are a lot of other smart kids around and partly because I knew they were smart but figured they were not THAT smart. If I was moving and all else was even (job/housing/etc) I'd be looking for a range of schooling options. Even now that I know a lot more about their strengths and weaknesses I honestly can't say what they are going to need in a couple years. My 2e DS would not be a good candidate for a full skip and while DD might be, I don't think it would be enough in most ways either. We need options & flexibility. We're just trying to make the best decision at the time while trying to learn what the possible future options are and keeping those paths open in case we need them later.