Agree that it is much harder to move with kids! Second the idea that picking a place with many options is good. We found that the most optimal solution changed over time and that sometimes switching schools was necessary. We also found that schools change over time and thus the "fit" of a school or district may change too. With private schools we found that the director/principal and the board of directors make a huge difference in the school culture and if the school has high turnover (or turnover while your DC is enrolled) the attitude and resources can change very quickly.

We did find that a Montessori school that was strong in academics, had certified teachers, and included toddlers through elementary was the best fit for our early bloomer. It is important to note that Montessori is not a trademarked name and many "montessori" schools are radically different from each other. The second Montessori school we tried was not as good a fit despite having similar credentials.

This site has people from all over and, when you have narrowed it down, I'm sure people can give great info on specific places.