We live in Ontario.

Our school is being funky with us. They say that toileting help (reminders, phrased as commands), and awareness that our child may decide to leave the school if bored or lost are not things that belong in an IEP. They don't seem to have any alternative to offer, and say it's not their issue, they are supposed to teach him, not worry about this.

They are doing some of it, denying the need for some of it, they REALLY don't want to document it. They tried to give him extra time on tests, though. In grade 1. Which doesn't seem to me likely to help him not poop his pants. JusSayin. Glarg. They are also trying very hard to teach him not to give the square of 2 when asked what 2+2 is. Yeah. I didn't follow up too much on that particular comment... oy....

Any advice? I don't think they have a legal leg to stand on, but that's not really making any difference right now...


DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!