I don't know if I'd bet on that, but certainly there are many early college kids who do not seek media attention and prefer flying under the radar. Colin's family may have decided to go public a few years ago because they wanted to let the public know about PG kids, and that was a valid choice for them. I am very wary however, and though I enjoy reading the positive press on gifted kids, it appears that once a child is in the media, he is fair game for all kinds of speculation and attack.

I will share that I briefly considered sending out the press release that accompanied my son's talent search info. I thought it would be cool for people to see that a homeschooler scored highest in the state. But I decided (and DH was neutral, so it was MY decision) that it wasn't worth the risk. Both my son and I are fairly thin skinned and we'd have a terrible time with even one mean spirited comment.

I can't imagine how Colin and his family are dealing with this. I had an email from Jessica yesterday, but she sent me the links and didn't elaborate much on the mess.